This is the term to describe changing your existing home loan to another lender. There can be many reasons to consider this, such as lower rates, a better type of loan, or extra funds for personal purposes.
Whatever the reason, it is very important that you make the right choice, as it is not the same as changing a savings account and there are still costs involved in changing a mortgage. If you have been thinking about this, call us and we can help you decide if this is the best choice for you, then work through the best options and help you with all the paperwork so you can concentrate on the important things in life!
Equity Release
You can also get money from your home by releasing equity with a 'cash out' home loan and use it for such things as such as improving or renovating your home, replace your car, or finally getting that weekender that we all dream of! When looking at equity release you should also think in the long term and how to clear any new borrowings quickly as well as the convenience of having extra cash today !
Debt Consolidation
If you find that you now have several other loans or credit cards, as well as your home loan, then combining them into one might be a better course for you. We can show you strategies on how to reduce your monthly payments, but still make sure that you don't pay back anymore to the lender! So if you want to save money and avoid the hassle of too many payments, then just contact us and we can help you free up some cash flow - and breathing room!
Take advantage of our free service and call today on 9866 4433 or complete and send the email form below and we will contact you to explore your options.
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